If you’re familiar with smart home technology at all, you’ve likely heard of Savant Systems. Savant is one of the leading companies when it comes to home control and home automation products. Many of our customers ask for their products by name, since Savant is such a recognized and respected brand …
What’s the Difference Between a Home Theater and Media Room? A Quick Guide for Orange County Residents
Taking on a building, remodeling, or renovation project in your home requires that you make a variety of decisions. These decisions are typically based on a list of things you both need and want, while also taking into consideration your personality and your home’s overall design and décor before …
Orange County Home Theater Designers Take Home Entertainment to the Next Level
American writer Ralph Marston once said, “Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” Though our culture is one that tends to reinforce the benefits of working hard and constantly achieving higher levels of success, many experts …